Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Entry 003: More Apostrophe Troubles (Rules Project)

Though I spent a full 48 hours in New York City, I did not see as many grammar mistakes as I had expected to see.  Perhaps this is due to the neighborhoods I was frequenting, which were largely residential areas of Brooklyn.  Perhaps I wasn't looking hard enough to find examples of mistakes.  Or, perhaps we have all become a bit more grammar-conscious than I remember, especially when creating signs to address the public.

In any case, I did see this sign in New York, near the Crown Heights neighborhood.  I was waiting for a friend at a subway stop, and over me was this sign:

Another missing apostrophe!

My friend was late in arriving, so I had a good amount of time to study the sign.  It's not clear from the picture, but when standing underneath it, it looked like there was a mark, or possibly screw holes, in between the "e" and the "s" of the sign.   I am not familiar with this fast food restaurant, so I wasn't sure whether this meant that there had once been an apostrophe before the "s," necessary to denote Popeye's possession/ownership of the Louisiana Kitchen, or if maybe I was giving them too much credit, and it was actually just the leftover marks from a bird's nest or something.

To be clear, it would seem to me that this is "Popeye's" Louisiana Kitchen, and as such, there would need to be an apostrophe before the "s."*  If Popeyes was a plural noun, then this sign could remain as such and be grammatically correct, but I've never heard of Popeye, or popeye, used as a plural noun.

*Apostrophe information found on Jane Straus's grammar blog, at this link:


  1. Where did you go to check your apostrophe rules?

  2. Edited to include apostrophe rules resource.
